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Julia Roberts believes her career begins at 40

Updated: 2008-01-03 09:53

Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts believes her age helps when it comes to her career.

Julia Roberts believes her career begins at 40
Julia Roberts in "Charlies Wilson's War"

The 40-year-old is about to return to the big screen in Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks but she does not envy the younger stars in Hollywood.

She said: "I wouldn't want to be 20 and in the movies today. It doesn't look fun. It just looks awful, it just looks scary and crazy, chaotic and it's just all about superficial, hollow things.

"They say until 40, you wear your face in your life, then you wear your life on your face. So I think, that gives me a nice face."

She admitted worrying about stripping down to a bikini for a scene in the film, as she was pregnant at the time.

She added: "You know how some days you look really pregnant and some days you don't? That was one of those divine days when I just looked less pregnant."


