This spoof comedy follows an out-of-luck coach, Lambeau Fields, who takes a rag-tag bunch of college misfits and drives them towards the football championships. In the process, this life-long loser discovers that he is a winner after all by redeeming himself, saving his relationship with his family and friends, and finding that there is indeed, no "I" in "team"!
Production Status: Released
Logline: A football coach with the worst losing record in the history of the sport goes for a shot at redemption with a ragtag college team.
Genres: Comedy and Sports
Running Time: 1 hr. 24 min.
Release Date: October 19th, 2007 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for crude and sexual content throughout and some drug material.
Distributors: 20th Century Fox Distribution
Production Co.: Tapestry Films
Studios: Fox Atomic
Filming Locations: Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton, California USA
Los Angeles, California USA
Produced in: United States