William Wilberforce led efforts as a member of Parliament in 18th-century England to end slavery and the slave trade in the British empire.
Amazing Grace
William Wilberforce led efforts as a member of Parliament in 18th-century England to end slavery and the slave trade in the British empire. Wilberforce was elected to the House of Commons at 21 and took on the issue of slavery, successfully assembling a diverse coalition that went up against the most powerful men of the time.
Production Status: Released
Genres: Art/Foreign, Drama, Thriller and Politics/Religion
Running Time: 1 hr. 51 min.
Release Date: February 23rd, 2007 (limited)
MPAA Rating: PG for thematic material involving slavery, and some mild language.
Distributors: Samuel Goldwyn Films, Roadside Attractions
Production Co.: Walden Media, FourBoys Films, Sunflower Productions, Bristol Bay Productions
Financiers: Ingenious Media
Filming Locations: England, United Kingdom
England, United Kingdom
Produced in: United Kingdom