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Jack Black and Jeremy Piven patch things up

Updated: 2006-11-24 14:09
(Entertainment News Network)

Jack Black and Entourage star Jeremy Piven have patched up their relationship after a miscommunication emerged when Black appeared on the Howard Stern radio show.

The Nacho Libre star appeared on Stern's show last week and claimed that Piven had held a six-year grudge against him because he won the role of a record-store geek in the hit film High Fidelity.

Black insisted Piven was still upset about losing out on the plum part and recently went out of his way to sabotage him while he was speaking to a director at a premiere.

The King Kong star told Stern, "(I was talking to a director when Piven) stepped in and all of a sudden he was talking to the director and I was standing there facing the back of his head.

"I was like, 'Whoa, dude! What are you doing? You just cut me off!' He turned around and there was this strange, awkward tension."

A mutual friend tells that the two have now put their differences behind them, saying they "smoked a peace pipe at a friend's house in L.A. and discussed their mutual admiration for each other. Mutual admiration is in full effect."
