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What's next in Britney Spears' timetable

Updated: 2006-11-10 17:00

What's next in Britney Spears' timetableShe's been going through many things these days. Yet, all is nothing compared to her divorce with hubby Kevin Federline. Fortunately, Britney Spears is a tough woman and she keeps living her live, planning a comeback to music scene.

The once proclaimed pop superstar is bidding New York City farewell and heading to Miami, where she plans to continue working on her new album over the weekend. The singer is busy recording her new LP, which is her first since the 2003's "In the Zone", in studios in Miami, Los Angeles and New York City.

On her forthcoming album, Spears once told People in August that the set will be as "cooler than ever, fun, upbeat and sexy." Okay then we'll wait for that Brit.
