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Kate Beckinsale's "Click" into old age

Updated: 2006-06-16 15:41

Kate Beckinsale's

Kate Beckinsale arrives at the Film premiere of 'Click' in Los Angeles, Calif. on Wednesday, June 14, 2006.(Fashion Wire Daily/Maria Ramirez)

Gorgeous Kate Beckinsale looked stunning at the premiere of "Click" on Wednesday night in Westwood. Not surprising, as the 32-year-old Brit is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

What does surprise is seeing her years older in the film comedy (that also stars Adam Sandler as her husband); it's a bit disconcerting, and it really freaked her out a bit, too.

"The gracefully aged thing was a big shocker. I thought that I was going to handle it much better than I really did," Beckinsale grimaced earlier at a press conference. "With the aging thing, I do think that at some point everyone turns into their mother or their father. But it's just not normally [happening in one sitting] from morning to afternoon!

"It is a moment of existential panic, because you sit there for six whole hours and it's kind of boring and it goes on and on and on and at the end of it you look so much worse than you did when you sit down. They modeled my hairstyle on the hairstyle that my mother wore at my wedding. So the whole thing was scary. Really scary!"

Doing a comedy also scared the vivacious actress, who hasn't done much in the way of funny films for much of her career. Known more for her roles in serious movies like "The Aviator," and "Pearl Harbor" and for action-adventure fantasies like "Underworld" and "Van Helsing," comedy was a genre that she shied away from.

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