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Britney Spears kicks hubby Kevin Federline out

Updated: 2006-05-29 17:06
(Bang Media & Agencies)

Britney Spears kicks hubby Kevin Federline out

Pregnant Britney Spears kicks hubby Kevin Federline out

Pregnant Britney Spears has thrown hubby Kevin Federline out of her home - heightening divorce rumors reports The Sun UK.

Kevin, 28, has spent three out of the last four nights with pals in Sherman Oaks, California - while Britney has remained at home in Malibu.

A pal said: “Things have suddenly turned very sour. It looks bad.”

On friday, Spears had reportedly sent her husband Kevin Federline to live in
their basement, now he is out the door.

At the time, the singer was said to be so fed up of her husband's wild ways that she has
divided up their Californian mansion and banished him to the lower reaches.

After just 20 months of marriage, Britney allegedly doesn't want Kevin
anywhere near their son after coming home to find him drinking and smoking

A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Their relationship has
become so hostile she just doesn't see how she can make it work. She has
ordered him down to the basement."

The 'Toxic' singer was said to be devastated after spending Mother's Day
alone - while Kevin chose to visit his former love Shar Jackson, who he has
two children with.

A friend of the singer said Britney had hoped the marriage would last until
the birth of the pair's second child in October.

The source said: "Britney desperately wanted it to work and she still does
for the sake of their family, but she has had enough of him."
Britney's spokesman has refused to deny the claims.

Further fueling rumors is a poem on her Web site titled "Remembrance of Who I Am," containing such verses as "No more chains/That you gave me/Enough of pain/Now I'm craving/Something sweet, so delight/How do you stand sleeping at night?"

She writes, "You come to me/Why do you bother?/Remember the Bible/The sins of the Father," and later adds "No wonder why/I lost my crown."

Spears first posted the poem on May 20 but took it down almost immediately, reports. Still, its brief appearance prompted speculation about whether the "you" being addressed is, in fact, husband Kevin Federline.

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