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Tom Hanks swaps jokes with Japan's movie buff

Updated: 2006-04-07 16:45

TOKYO - Hair topped the agenda when movie star Tom Hanks met Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Friday, with the normally short-haired Hanks expressing admiration for Koizumi's wavy locks.

"You changed your look," an ebullient Koizumi greeted Hanks, who let his hair grow long for his starring role in the movie "The Da Vinci Code," which he was in Japan to promote.

"I wanted a hairstyle that looked like you," Hanks quipped, referring to the "lion mane" of wavy gray hair that has become one of Koizumi's trademarks.

During the brief, jocular meeting at Koizumi's office, the 64-year-old prime minister also told Hanks, 49, that he looked much younger in his films.

Hanks grimaced but quickly replied, "My children are constantly reminding me what an old man I am."

Later, he told reporters that he was trying to become a U.S. version of Koizumi, adding: "I'll be working on the gray."

Hanks said he also discussed his movies with Koizumi, who is known as a film buff, and that Koizumi was extremely curious about "The Da Vinci Code," which will be released next month.

"I invited the prime minister to the film's premiere in Cannes, but unfortunately the prime minister will be busy running Japan at that time and so he can't come," he added.
