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Whitney Houston loves lesbian sex?

Updated: 2006-04-07 14:18
According to The Enquirer, when Whitney Houston is high on crack, she "takes part in lesbian sex, chases any man who comes into her house, and locks herself for hours on end in her bathroom to use her vast collection of sex toys."

Tina Brown, Whitney's sister-in-law says that it's common knowledge among family members that Whitney has affairs with women reports PerezHilton.

Brown adds that Houston's appetite to pleasure herself is so powerful that she has a massive collection of sex toys.

"They are all around the damn house," says Tina. "I'm constantly having to get them up. I don't want the kids to find them."

"She locks herself in the bathroom and you hear the 'Vrooom!'," says Tina. "She smokes some crack and says, 'I gotta go.' You know what she's gonna do. It's constant. She be in there for hours, and then I have to call out, 'You all right?' She'll say, 'Yeah,' and she can't talk. Her voice is so hoarse."

Meanwhile, Beyoncé Knowles has vowed to help Whitney Houston beat her alleged addiction
to crack cocaine.

The sexy singer was horrified by reports the 80s pop superstar - who is
married to Bobby Brown - is hooked on drugs and living in squalor.
She wrote to Whitney - who discovered Beyoncé when she was in Destiny's
Child and helped write and produce many of her tracks - to offer her support
as soon as she read the allegations.

A source is quoted in Britain's Daily Star newspaper as saying: "Beyoncé
will do what it takes to sort Whitney out. She needs her friends around her
and Beyoncé would never give up on anybody."
