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Aniston: 'Rumour was worst experience of my life'

Updated: 2006-03-22 18:26

Jennifer Aniston has slammed her critically mauled movie Rumor Has It as "the worst experience of my life", insisting personal problems and a poor script left her "unmotivated" and miserable on set.

Aniston: 'Rumour was worst experience of my life'Her first foray into acting since her break-up with husband Brad Pitt, the film only grossed GBP25 million at the box office and left Aniston wishing she had never signed up.

The movie pits the former Friends star as a woman who discovers her family inspired The Graduate - Charles Webb's hit novel which subsequently became a movie classic.

But despite being intrigued by the concept, Aniston was left bitterly disappointed with the end result and poor press.

She says, "The worst experience of my life, the worst experience; the worst film.

"It sounded like a great idea, an interesting backdrop for a romantic comedy. But it was never fleshed out, never fully realised.

"And for me personally, I was going through a horrible time.

"I wasn't at my best as an actor. I was unmotivated by it. Why talk about it? We can let that little train go by."

Source:World Entertainment News Network
