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2012-02-06 13:31:42 来源:中国日报网
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Local businesses are compelled to create

By Feng Zhiwei and Han Tianyang (China Daily)

Lu Jianping (central), publicity director for the Hunan Committee of the CPC, speaks about his province's vibrant culture. Photos provided to China Daily

A snapshot of Hunan Broadcasting Systems, a leader in China's TV and broadcasting industry.

The arts and culture industry is booming in Hunan province

Hunan has much to be proud of. Its exhibit at the Shanghai World Expo boasts some 40 arts and media related projects. Back home meanwhile, its creative industries are rapidly expanding.

With their strength likened to that of an army, creative industries are vying to become the province's top revenue sector.

Arts and culture related businesses generated nearly 160 billion yuan in 2009. And local authorities predict that figure could more than double by 2015, reaching 350 billion yuan, or 8 percent of Hunan's GDP.

Progress is partly attributed to support from Hunan's government. Last year, officials established a committee to guide creative developments and initiate industry restructuring.

The committee implemented unspecified policies aimed at stimulating growth.

They seem to be working. GreatDreams Cartoon Group and Central South Publishing & Media Group Co are now planning to create public listings.

GreatDreams - a Chinese corporation similar to Disney - has garnered several awards for its original cartoons and animated films. Central South Publishing is a subsidiary of Hunan Publishing Investment Holding Group.

Following suit, other creative entities are also venturing beyond Hunan's boundaries.

Last year Hunan Broadcasting System paired with Shanghai-based Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd to produce and distribute film and TV programs.

The joint venture operates Qinghai Satellite TV, launched in cooperation with the Qinghai Radio and Television Bureau.

Lu Jianping, publicity director for the Hunan provincial committee, said he hopes such collaborations between Shanghai and Hunan will continue.

He also cited a desire to build regional creative brands into internationally renowned names.

For now however, the province is focusing on creative technologies such as digital publishing, mobile phones, and theme parks.

But Hunan is also recognizing the artistic contributions of its people. Representatives from the province's contemporary arts and culture movement were introduced at the World Expo.

Hunan's publishing industry has generated a number of excellent books.

Hunan's red cat and blue rabbit have become the most recognized cartoon figures in China.

(China Daily 07/22/2010 page17)

编辑: 张少虎 标签: 周强
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