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2012-02-06 13:31:42 来源:中国日报网
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Bringing Hunan citizens a more dignified life

By Feng Zhiwei and Zhang Zhao (China Daily)

Governor promises more jobs and better health care for everyone

The governor of Hunan province, Xu Shousheng, has said that they will definitely find a long-term method for improving the livelihoods of both urban and rural people.

"Migrant workers are our brothers and sisters," said Xu, who is an economist and son of a fisherman. "And we need a systematic plan to solve their employment and urban living problem."

"We'll find more ways to make sure that people live happier and more dignified lives."

Less than four months ago, Xu was appointed acting governor of Hunan, after having served as governor of Gansu province. In that time, he visited 14 cities in Hunan and has looked for ways to come up with the money to improve people's lives.

During People's Congress meetings earlier this year, Xu called for an economic model that allows everyone to share the fruits of development.

Last year, Hunan made "a pile" last year, with a GDP of more than 1.5 trillion yuan ($229.8 billion), or 1.3 times the figure of five years previous.

Its industrial output amounted to 600 billion yuan, up 1.7 times, for the same period.

The provincial government also looked for ways to improve the livelihood of people, spending around 170 billion yuan - more than half of its revenues - for just that purpose.

The government has done a number of things: living allowances for urbanites and country folk were increased substantially, while the price of commodities was stabilized. It also came up with a health plan where handicapped children below the age of seven, from poorer families, are given free medical care.

Green growth

Hunan is also making an effort to preserve resources and become an eco-friendly province.

"We're working on a green GDP - one that ensures sustainable development and profits everyone," explained Xu.

In recent years, some scandals involving lead poisoning and cadmium-tainted rice put Hunan's heavy metal pollution problems in an uncomfortable spotlight.

"Now, if your child is found to have high levels of lead in his blood, the government will treat him for free," Xu declared.

The government said it plans to spend more on these and similar problems, and that Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan will be pilot cities in the pollution control program. Major industries there are being put under strict supervision.

Under the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015), the province will develop policies on protecting the environment, which includes paying for resources, restoring the ecology, and a green GDP evaluation process that takes resource consumption and environmental degradation into consideration.

The governor has also promised to give the people of Hunan "clear air, clean water, and safe food".

"The continued improvement of people's lives will come when all low-income people have a place to live, when the price of goods is stable, when employment is no longer a headache for college graduates, when affordable healthcare is easily accessible, and when nature and the environment are pollution-free," Xu concluded.

(China Daily 04/27/2011 page11)


编辑: 张少虎 标签: 周强
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