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2015-03-04 13:32:00   来源:跨考教有   作者:
中国日报-看世界+加关注 打印 发送 字号 T | T
[提要]  翻硕复试要引起十二分的重视,不要以为初试得分高了就万事大吉,那就大错特错了。每个院校导师常会问你认识哪些翻译大家及他们的作品,这也是每个学翻译的童鞋必备知识,所以大家需要整理出耳熟能详的几位中国翻译家的材料,如:林纾、鲁迅、董乐山、朱生豪等等。


  一、 自我介绍

  Would u introduce yourself?



  Morning, distinguished professors. It's a fine day today, and I'm very pleased to meet you here. First of all, I'd like to introduce myself to you. my name is XX, 23 years old, and David is my English name. I studied in XX University. I am open-minded, creative,get along well with my friends, and willing to help others. As a member of Student Union,I work earnestly,also get some good comments from teachers and classmates as well as obtain scholarship many times . Even when I was a young boy, I was very interested in translation. Everyone may have a dream, and I still remember that my dream is to be a interpreter. If I’m lucky enough to get the chance, I will devote all myself to my major and focus all my energy on it.

  二、 跨专业考翻硕的原因

  Why are you here?


  At school I was interested in biology and did well at it. So when I applied for my major at university this seemed the most appropriate subject to choose. However, since then I have discovered that I am more interested in translation. Therefore I decided to work as hard as I could at translation and do some additional courses in the postgraduate period to prepare myself for work in this field.

  三、 介绍一下自己的大学

  Could you talk about your college!


  Shandong University of Technology was founded in 1956 and was one of the first public colleges certified to confer the bachelor's degree by China 's Department of State. The university is under the direct leadership of the Shandong Provincial Government and is located in Zibo city where the ancient and profound Qi culture originated. The number of the students is 40000 now。She is an engineering-oriented school.

  四、 你的翻译工作经历

  Do you have any relevant practice experiences?


  I have been employed to a translation company after graduation from my college, and my main task is to do some translation and edition works. After having whetted my skills at a translation agency for some time, I find that the time has come for me to deepen my study in this field.

  五、 你认识许渊冲先生么?



  许先生著名的“三美”原则可译为:Three Beauties Principle “音美”,“意美”,“形美”可以译为:the beauty in sense, sound and form或者是beauty of phonology, beauty of formality and beauty of style.


