
Program promotes Chinese works to world

By Mei Jia ( ) Updated: 2014-09-23 17:48:43

Program promotes Chinese works to world

Young sinologists listen attentively to what contemporary writers of Chinese literature have to tell them in Beijing, Sept 18, 2014. Photo by Mei Jia/China Daily

Publishers shared their attempt to introduce Chinese works to the international market. Many of them agreed that the path is not an easy one, but it's worth the effort. They also offered the writers and translators an invitation for cooperation.

"We're looking for books created by the writers who have already accumulated a certain reception in the foreign market, who have a steady and recognizable style, and who're no strangers to the foreign publishers," said Li Bo, veteran publisher with Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House.

Li said he believes Liu Zhenyun is among the top choices, as he is recognized for his humor and productivity.

Liu Qiao from People's Literature Publishing House said the representative work they brought to international readers is the novel The Love of the Hawthorn Tree, which has been translated into 18 languages and gained the publisher $200,000 in royalties.

The Chinese writers, mainly of the younger generation, spoke about their stories and creations. Their stories won applause and resonance from the young sinologists, who spoke in fluent and original Mandarin, but were raised in a varied cultural background.

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