
Capital city ready to host world's first 3D stage show

By Zhuan Ti ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-08-30 07:22:06

Dennis Law, CEO and president of the company, said he selected the subject of the terracotta warriors for their global reputation and a symbol that can be understood by foreigners.

He said his latest show would set new standards for theatrical art direction and was a result of multi-cultural collaboration across the Pacific Ocean.

Capital city ready to host world's first 3D stage show

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Capital city ready to host world's first 3D stage show

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Terracotta Warriors 3D is a meaningful and engaging story of love, power and transformation.

It tells the tale of Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first emperor in China to found a country in 221BC. The story is told in a non-traditional manner as the audience sees the monarch through the eyes of the emperor's famous eunuch, Zhao Gao.

Castrated by the emperor who was his childhood best friend, Zhao Gao served his master in a faithful but conflicted way. He witnessed the Qin emperor's powers and weaknesses, his loves and his fears, his cruelty and his human frailties.

Finally, it was the emperor's sudden and unexpected death that allowed Zhao Gao to be freed from his emotional and spiritual bondage and he transformed into a new man.

The show is expected to be a unique and thrilling journey through musical theater.

Law welcomes people to watch Terracotta Warriors 3D and to be one of the first to experience the unique event in Beijing.

"After all, in a place as unlikely as China, when would you ever get another invitation to be part of something that has never been seen before in human history?" he said.


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