
Fusion band reborn after long hiatus

By Chen Nan ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-08-04 09:25:08

Fusion band reborn after long hiatus

The band Wild Children is known for its fusion of Chinese folk songs played on Western instruments. Photo provided to China Daily

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In 2008, he connected with former band members Zhang Weiwei and Guo and recruited Western instrumentalist Ma Xuesong to the band. Wild Children was reborn.

Zhang Weiwei, who has played for numerous bands in Beijing since Wild Children broke up, says that he has felt "directionless" without the group.

All members of the new Wild Children now live in Dali and treat their music like "farmers treat their fields". They rehearse daily for at least four hours.

Zhang Quan, now married with two children, has been influenced by a lot of ethnic music from around Yunnan. His newly assembled band is also about the members' reflections on their lives.

"We all have experienced some unforgettable events in our lives. Those made Wild Children grow up," Zhang Weiwei says.

Wild Children has attracted scores of new fans through the Internet in addition to its loyal followers from the past.

"In 1996, Guo and I watched Wild Children perform at a Beijing bar for the first time. They were a bunch of people sitting at a table, playing cards, but we were totally blown away by their music," says Zhang Weiwei.



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