
When music connects

By Joseph Catanzaro ( China Daily ) Updated: 2013-11-01 07:40:03

When music connects

Musicians from Canada's NAC Orchestra stage a brass quintet at Fragrant Hills in Beijing. Photos provided to China Daily

When music connects

Video: Canadian National Orchestra tours in BJ 

When music connects

Music connects Canada and China

Herrndorf, whose distinguished career in broadcasting, publishing and the performing arts has earned him a swag of accolades including being made an Officer of the Order of Canada, says from Shanghai to Guangzhou, the Chinese reaction to the orchestra's efforts to bridge the cultural divide through music has been overwhelming.

"We started early in October," he says.

"It's about an 18-day tour, seven cities, eight concerts, 80 educational events all across the country. What makes it a little unusual is we have a number of wonderful young Chinese violinists playing with the orchestra. So it's a very nice combination of East and West, new and old; and the audience in China has responded wonderfully."

In addition to concert hall appearances, small groups of Canadian musicians performed pop-up concerts in a number of surprise venues including Beijing Zoo and gave master-classes at several schools and institutions.

This diplomacy with strings was led by the orchestra's music director and acclaimed violinist, Pinchas Zukerman.

Herrndorf says everyone in the Canadian contingent was blown away by the wealth of musical talent in China, both at a professional and amateur level.

The cacophony of instruments often audible in residential areas of Chinese cities, the hesitant evening offerings of students practicing after returning home from school, was something that Herrndorf found personally thrilling.

"I've walked down the street here and you hear these wonderful sounds emanating from buildings," he says. "It's music to my ears."

More than that, Herrndorf believes it is the sound of change.


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