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  • 31-finger boy counts his blessings

    2010-04-08 15:38

    Li Jinpeng and his mother Liu Lichun smile at Li's fingers and toes after a successful operation to remove the boy's extra fingers and toes in northeast China's Shenyang, on April 8, 2010.

  • Sugar cane-wielding man tries to rob Internet café

    2010-03-26 15:49

    A man decided to rob an Internet café using a sugar cane stick, but the plan didn’t work out, Anhui TV reported Friday.

  • Macao police nab man for online bombing, death threats

    2010-03-24 14:07

    Judiciary Police (PJ) of the Macao Special Administrative Region arrested a man for his alleged involvement in online extortion and threats, including threat of killing the SAR chief executive, the local Macao Post Daily reported Wednesday.

  • CCTV exposes ‘cockroaches’ in HP laptops

    2010-03-16 11:57

    China’s Central Television’s muckraking report on Monday night quoted a Hewlett-Packard employee saying their laptops have seized up because of “the horrible cockroaches in students’ dorms”, the China News Agency reported.

  • Watermelon carving

    2010-03-15 10:05

    A student carve Expo mascot 'Haibao' on a watermelon at Jinan No. 3 Vocational School in Jinan, Shandong province,March 11, 2010.[Photo/CFP]

  • Single ladies strip off for love

    2010-03-10 11:08

    Eight single ladies looking for love took their search to the subway station holding the popular internet catchphrase "Believe in Sister Feng, be more confident."

  • Foot massage at two yuan

    2010-03-05 06:36

    Foot massage can be unbelievably cheap, but only in a copycat style in Southwest China's Chongqing municipality.

  • Panda breaks in to pig pen

    2010-03-02 10:38

    Hunger drove a wild panda to break into a Chinese farmer's pig pen and eat the animals' food, which was meat and bone, rather than bamboo

  • Expert: Horses in terracotta army 'castrated'

    2010-03-01 16:20

    Most of the clay horses unearthed from the mausoleum of Qinshihuang, the first emperor of a united China, had been "castrated", a Chinese archeologist said after studying more than 600 of the life-sized animals.

  • Funny slogans stir debate

    2010-02-09 07:39

    "It's New Year. We're purchasing robbery suspects for 3,000 yuan ($440) each," reads a slogan hanging from the gate of the local administration for industry and commerce in Zhangjiajie, Hunan province.

  • China's young spend 73 hours with tigers

    2010-02-08 21:28

    Two young men and a woman were testing their courage at a safari park in northwest China's Shaanxi Province through a 73-hour survival test with wild tigers.

  • Students walk 400 km to get to hometown

    2010-01-30 09:08

    Two college students, who were short of funds, walked 400 km in seven days to reach Yongzhou, their hometown in the province, Changsha Evening News reported Friday.

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.