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China Daily Website

  • Germany is a good teacher

    2013-05-27 14:42

    Germany is a good teacher for China over its products' quality. Chinese producers should learn more from this EU partner.

  • Leave behind ingrained mindset

    2013-05-23 10:13

    The West likes to portray China as playing Pakistan against India, because it wants to convince India to be played by the West against China.

  • History tells sino-Indian friendship

    2013-05-23 09:35

    China and India constitutes substantial part of humanity. They being close friends are natural in the long term.

  • Sustained trade sought with India

    2013-05-19 16:29

    This is the best way to solve the boundary problem. Common interests overweigh differences.

  • Expectations from Li's visits

    2013-05-17 11:17

    What message could be conveyed from Premier Li’s visit? Why will Li make India the first stop of his maiden foreign tour?

  • China, India must be wary of Western media

    2013-05-17 09:38

    It is thus important for Asian people to understand the true nature of the anti-Asia lobby in the West.

  • Chinese Premier eager to return to India

    2013-05-17 09:38

    Our two countries must shake hands and conduct exchanges so that together we can raise the standing of Asia in the world.

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.