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  • Japan's pro-nuke voices worry world

    2014-02-25 13:36

    China has urged the Japanese government to make clear its stance on right-wing activists' latest pro-nuclear weapons statements.

  • Japan arms-export rules criticized

    2014-02-25 02:53

    Beijing called upon Tokyo on Monday to make the "security concerns of Asian neighbors" a priority in response to Japan's government drafting new principles on arms exports.

  • Beijing opposes Japan's Taiwan ambitions

    2014-02-20 02:43

    Beijing opposes a Japanese initiative aiming to draw up an act that would "lay the legal basis" to foster ties between Tokyo and Taiwan.

  • Foreign planes identified in air zone

    2013-11-30 07:53

    The People's Liberation Army Air Force on Friday identified and verified foreign military planes entering China's recently established East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone.

  • Japan told to stop provocative talk: spokesman

    2013-11-11 22:02

    Japan was urged by a Chinese spokesman on Monday to stop its provocative talk after its country's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe depicted China as a threat to regional security.

  • Japan charts course for collective self-defense

    2013-11-07 00:52

    Japanese Cabinet is expected make a decision on whether to revise the government's stance on Japan's right to exercise collective self-defense.

  • Japan's policies questioned

    2013-11-04 00:49

    Moscow expressed displeasure with the expanding US-Japanese alliance in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • US-Japan plan to retake islands not true: Washington

    2013-11-01 23:28

    Washington has made a clarification to Beijing to dismiss a Japanese media report on a so-called US-Japan joint combat plan for "retaking" China's Diaoyu Islands, the Foreign Ministry confirmed on Friday.

  • Japan ship intrudes into Chinese naval exercise

    2013-10-31 17:35

    The Ministry of National Defense said on Thursday that a Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ship intruded into a Chinese military exercise in the open sea.

  • Japan's surveillance highly provocative: China

    2013-10-31 17:27

    Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman said Japan's surveillance of a zone used by the Chinese navy for drills is "a highly hazardous act of provocation."

  • China responds to Japan cabinet members' shrine visit

    2013-10-18 20:10

    Foreign Ministry on Friday responded to Japanese cabinet members' visit to the war-linked Yasukuni Shrine during its autumn festival by urging Japan to reflect on its history of aggression.

  • US, Japan end joint military exercises in Japan

    2013-10-18 15:00

    The US Marine Corps and Japan's Self-Defense Forces ended on Friday joint military exercises using the MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft in the western Japanese prefecture of Shiga。

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