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  • Nanjing Massacre video compilation progressing

    2012-09-20 16:43

    A collection of video material about the Nanjing Massacre is progressing and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

  • Fitch: Island dispute could hit Japan tech, auto

    2012-09-18 20:10

    The ratings of major Japanese automakers and technology companies may come under pressure if the dispute between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands escalates and is prolonged, Fitch Ratings said on Tuesday.

  • China protects safety of foreign diplomats

    2012-09-05 19:19

    A Foreign Ministry spokesman on Wednesday reiterated China's determination to protect the safety of foreign embassies and personnel.

  • Stronger Sino-Japan ties offer greater hope

    2012-07-03 09:46

    China and Japan are creating opportunities to strengthen relations to safeguard themselves against global economic turbulence, former vice-premier said.

  • Beijing-Tokyo Forum opens in Tokyo

    2012-07-02 21:39

    The 8th Beijing-Tokyo Forum opens in Tokyo on July 2, 2012. This year's forum, themed as Future of China-Japan relationship under Global Vision, attracts about 600 representatives from political, business, academic, and media fields to take part in a two-day discussion.

  • Mutual trust can boost Sino-Japan relations

    2012-07-02 19:35

    Mutual trust and benefit are key elements to the development of Sino-Japan relations, said Zeng Peiyan, former vice-premier.

  • Chinese pianist to build musical bridge to Japan

    2012-06-29 16:31

    Chinese classical pianist Li Yundi said he wants to bring more Chinese classical music pieces to Japanese audiences and be China's "musical ambassador" to Japan.

  • Ueno panda shows signs of pregnancy

    2012-06-28 13:11

    Pregnant giant panda Shin Shin eats bamboo leaves at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo on June 27.

  • Tokyo to hold show on Chinese dynasties

    2012-06-27 13:08

    The exhibition "China: Grandeur of the dynasties" will be held in Tokyo between Oct 10 and Dec 24.

  • Japanese artists hail China-Japan relations

    2012-06-26 16:04

    Two traditional Japanese musical plays were staged in Beijing on Monday to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations.

  • Bike theft is mirror to society

    2012-02-28 08:15

    While Kawahara has won our respect, we should also reflect on the omissions in public security, which permit so many bicycle thefts in urban areas.

  • Cyclist back in saddle for world tour

    2012-02-22 07:39

    A Japanese man cycling around the world had a longer-than-expected stop in Central China when his bike was stolen.

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