
The government should develop a plan to protect the country's ancient meteorological stations, a political adviser said.

China should appoint more full-time spokespersons and promote the professionalization of the sector, as the current system has impaired the country's news release and information transparency efforts, a senior political adviser said.

Former minister says China's national healthcare system has to be affordable.

A CPPCC delegate urges hospitals to optimize treatment procedures and fairly allocate medical resources to ease the conflicts between patients and medics.

High-end talent needed

2014-03-07 07:20

Chinese enterprises "desperately need" a large number of talents for realizing their "Going Global" strategies.

The way of solving economic problems cannot be used for medical reform directly, and the awareness of respecting the life plays an important role in deepening reform.

A senior Party leader from Guangdong province vowed to take tougher action against prostitution.

The air pollution in Beijing causes damage not only to people's health, but also to the city's cultural heritage, said Shan Jixiang, director of the Palace Museum, Southern Metropolis Daily reported.

The head of the Palace Museum, Shan Jixiang, suggested parking lot and administrative offices be moved out of the Forbidden City as the museum is facing an increasing pressure of "space security."

The People's Bank of China will not ban Yu'ebao, said governor Zhou Xiaochuan, on Tuesday, soothing jittery users of the service which has poached traditional financing long dominated by banks

A deputy to the ongoing second session of the 12th NPC suggests that China Earthquake Administration should be disbanded.

What kinds of major issues has Peng Liyuan highlighted in the past 10 years?

Central government's move praised, seen to boost prospects for grads.

The mounting debt incurred by China's local governments over the years will likely take center stage at this year's parliamentary sessions.

Environmental issues will be a major focus at the upcoming two sessions.
