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The 18th CPC Central Committee, composed of more than 200 senior Party officials, will convene its third plenum from November 9 to 12 to discuss major economic and social issues concerning comprehensive reform.

  • Public finance reform vital

    2013-11-04 07:14

    The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China's Central Committee in November will be historically significant as the Chinese leadership is expected to present its strategic vision for the country's socio-economic reform for the next decade.

  • Former Brazilian politician gauges China's reform

    2013-11-07 15:31

    Wladimir Pomar, a former senior official of Brazil's left-wing Workers' Party (PT) and an expert on China, is keeping a close eye on the upcoming CPC meeting.

  • More innovations expected on China

    2013-11-07 15:14

    Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said he expected more innovations about China after the CPC Third Plenary Session.

  • How China can avoid an 'economic hard landing'

    2013-11-06 17:30

    A week before the third plenary session is to take place in Beijing, experts gathered in New York to discuss the evolving relationship between the US and China and how the Chinese economy will fare in the coming years.

  • US expert lauds progress in China's financial reform

    2013-11-03 18:36

    China has accomplished "extraordinary progress" in its financial reform in recent years, but more needs to be done.

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