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Monks of Myanmar

Updated: 2011-06-12 08:03
(China Daily)

Young males of Myanmar enter a Buddhist monastery - for at least a brief period - as they find their way to manhood.

Spending time in a monastery is a rite of passage for many Myanmar boys, although most of them spend from a few days to a few months rather than a lifetime commitment.

The Sangha, as monks are collectively known in Myanmar, is a powerful social force in the country and widely revered. Monks have also been politically active since the colonial times, calling for justice and democracy on behalf of the people.

According to official figures, there are about 500,000 monks in Myanmar. And about 87 percent of all Myanmar people are Buddhists.

In his lifetime, every Myanmar male is expected to take up temporary monastic residence twice: Once as a samanera (novice monk) between the ages of 10 and 20 and again as a hpongyi (fully ordained monk) sometime after the age of 20.

Almost all men or boys aged under 20 participate in the Shinbyu or novitiation ceremony, since the family earns great merit when one of its sons "take robe and bowl".

This week, the images on the page allow us an inside glimpse of life in the Shin Ohtama Tharya monastery in Yangon, where for a short period of time, the boys of Myanmar build the foundations of a lifetime of faith.

China Daily

 Monks of Myanmar

Clockwise from top: A young novice monk have fun with water. Lunch at the monastery - their only meal of the day. Praying is the most important activity for the novice monks. A free moment means the chance to contemplate the world outside. A young novice gets help with his monastic garb. Photos by Reuters


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