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Hu Jintao meets Lien Chan, urging further co-op

Updated: 2013-02-26 16:36
( Xinhua)

BEIJING - President Hu Jintao Tuesday urged the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Kuomintang (KMT) to further strengthen their cooperation and make common expectations on cross-Strait relations a reality.

Speaking with visiting Honorary KMT Chairman Lien Chan at the Great Hall of the People, Hu said the understanding and ideas reflected in the "common aspiration and prospects for cross-Strait peace and development," issued in 2005 by leaders of both parties, have been proven right.

Hu Jintao meets Lien Chan, urging further co-op

President Hu Jintao (R) meets with visiting Honorary Chairman of the Kuomintang Lien Chan (L) in Beijing on Feb 26. [Photo/Xinhua]

Most of the ideas detailed in the "common aspiration and prospects" have been realized, benefiting compatriots of both the mainland and Taiwan, Hu said.

As proven by material progress, the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations is in accord with the overall interests of the Chinese nation and falls in line with the wishes of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, said Hu.

"The CPC and the KMT should step up their cooperation to further carry out the 'common aspiration and prospects,'" he said.

Terming concerted efforts and solidarity of both mainland and Taiwan compatriots as the "inexhaustible driving force" for mainland-Taiwan relations' peaceful development, Hu expressed hope that both sides would continue to broaden their cooperation and exchanges.

"To meet the development needs of the situation, both sides across the Taiwan Strait should take active measures to provide better institutional guarantees for cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation," Hu stressed.

Hu also called on compatriots on both sides to have faith in the adherence to the path of peaceful development, as well as a promising future for cross-Strait relations.

"Peaceful development is a right path," said Lien, as people on both sides have enjoyed the benefits brought by improved cross-Strait ties in recent years.

Moreover, enhanced exchanges and cooperation have strengthened Taiwan compatriots' sense of identity with the Chinese nation and their belief that the blood bond between people on both sides shall never be cut, said Lien.

Lien said the mainland and Taiwan should stick to the "1992 Consensus" and the principle of opposing "Taiwan independence," based on which both sides seek common grounds while shelving differences.

He said discussions on political issues can be launched via civil channels at first to accumulate consensus.

"I believe that the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties will continue to be deepened and institutionalized," Lien added.

From April 26 to May 3, 2005, Lien, then KMT Chairman, led a party delegation to visit the mainland, the first by a top KMT leader since 1949.

During that visit, Hu, then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, met Lien on April 29, which marked the first meeting between top leaders of the two parties in 60 years.



