Irish business leaders are eyeing China as a huge export market, while Dublin sees itself as an ideal destination for Chinese investors seeking opportunities in Europe.
Turkey would like to strengthen ties with China, a country it sees as sharing a positive economic outlook.
Visiting Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping reiterated China's support for the euro when he addressed a business forum here in Dublin on Monday.
Julian Erskine, the Irish senior executive producer of the musical sensation Riverdance, knows he's done a good job if people dance out of the theater after a performance.
Vice-President Xi Jinping reiterated China's support for Europe as it addresses the debt crisis when he arrived in Ireland on Saturday.
Xi holds talks with Irish PM
Ireland would like to build on its cooperation with China, the heart of its Asian strategy, and see closer strategic relations between the EU and China.
The Irish see greater cooperation on agricultural trade as an excellent opportunity to increase their dairy and food exports to China.
China supports the stability of the euro and the eurozone, visiting Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping told Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny on Sunday.
Visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping said Saturday that China and Ireland should deepen their mutually beneficial economic cooperation.
Vice-President Xi Jinping is scheduled to pay official visits to the United States, Ireland and Turkey from Feb 13 to 22.
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping will make an official visit this weekend to Ireland to encourage closer relations between the two countries.