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Modern world catches up with village life

Updated: 2012-07-25 08:10
By Huang Yiming (China Daily)

Reporter's Log | Huang Yiming

Modern world catches up with village life

This is my second trip to Yongxing Island. In 1991, when I came for a display before Aug 1, Army Day, the main buildings were only a port and a military hotel.

Soldiers told me daily necessities were in short supply and it took a very long time to send and receive letters from their families.

This time, the island, part of the Xisha Islands, left a completely different impression on me.

On Beijing Road, the main road on Yongxing Island, I found more buildings in the newly established city.

The coconut trees were neatly planted along the sides of the road. The island's central area is very similar to other small cities in China. Only the sound of the sea reminded me that I was on the Xisha Islands.

In 1991, it took an hour to travel around the whole island, which had few residents. Now about 38 households live on Yongxing.

People use greenhouses to plant vegetables and have pig and duck farms. One resident told me that daily supplies are no longer a problem. The only concern is the long periods of bad weather.

Some people have brought farming vehicles from Hainan Island and the local government has helped install electricity facilities and TV sets.

Many senior citizens expressed their feeling for the remarkable changes in this small city.

Hu Yaxiong, director of Sansha Hospital, told me that 10 years ago the medical services were at a very low level. Now a new hospital building is being constructed and is expected to begin operation at the end of the year.

I could find many young people in the streets. They are just like young people in any other city of China. They use iPads and iPhones and at night they go to cafes and bars. The nightlife reminded me that 21 years ago, our performance for those soldiers on the island was their only entertainment.

A soldier told me a sad love story in 1991. He lost his girlfriend because he received her love letter several months late as the bad weather made communications very hard. Now residents on the island can enjoy easy access to the Internet and telecommunication services.

Water and electricity supplies are also beyond my expectations. The standby battery and computer in my bag became unnecessary.

Xisha Islands, as well as Zhongsha and Nansha islands, have plenty of tourism resources and Sansha city has huge potential for tourism.

From my two visits to Xisha Islands, I believe that the residents in Sansha will have a better life with its fast development.

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(China Daily 07/25/2012 page3)

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