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China Daily Website

Full Text: Report on China's central, local budgets

Updated: 2011-03-18 14:58
( Xinhua)

4. Budget for central government-managed funds

In 2011, budgetary revenue from central government-managed funds will total 282.627 billion yuan, down 11%. This figure includes 64.8 billion yuan from the railroad construction fund, 12.393 billion yuan from port development fees, 14.732 billion yuan from civilian airport administration and development fees, 26.15 billion yuan from lottery ticket proceeds, 19.811 billion yuan from the fund for providing ongoing aid to residents relocated to make way for the construction of large and medium-sized reservoirs, and 9.601 billion yuan from the central government fund for repaying rural power grid loans. Adding the 79.016 billion yuan in revenue carried forward from last year, overall revenue from central government-managed funds will be 361.643 billion yuan.

Budgetary expenditures from central government-managed funds will be 361.643 billon yuan, an increase of 19.9%. This total consists of two parts. The first is 238.493 billion yuan of central government spending, an increase of 4.4%. This includes 68.292 billion yuan for building railroads; 10.171 billion yuan for developing ports; 8.777 billion yuan for civilian airport administration and development; 24.402 billion yuan of lottery ticket proceeds used to finance social welfare, sports, education, and other public welfare programs; 47 million yuan for providing ongoing aid to residents relocated to make way for the construction of large and medium-sized reservoirs; and 10.595 billion yuan for repaying rural power grid loans through the central government fund. The second part is 123.15 billion yuan in transfer payments to local governments, an increase of 68.1%.

Revenue collected by local government-managed funds whose budgets are complied by the central government will reach 2.299547 trillion yuan, down 29.5%. This decrease is mainly due to the expectation of less revenue from land-related government-managed funds. This figure includes 1.975341 trillion yuan of revenue from the sale of state-owned land-use rights; 44.667 billion yuan from urban infrastructure construction fees; 26.15 billion yuan in lottery ticket proceeds; and 27.413 billon yuan from local education surcharges. Adding the 123.15 billion yuan in central government transfer payments to local governments, revenue from local government-managed funds will be 2.422697 trillion yuan.

Expenditures from local government-managed funds will be 2.422697 trillion yuan, down 20%. This total includes 2.033957 trillion yuan of proceeds from the sale of state-owned land-use rights to be spent on compensation for land expropriation, housing demolition and resident relocation and also on urban development; 35.14 billion yuan from lottery ticket proceeds to be used to finance social welfare, sports, education, and other public welfare programs; 44.667 billion yuan for finishing urban infrastructure projects; and an additional 27.413 billion yuan for local education.

Combined revenue from funds managed by central and local governments will reach 2.582174 trillion yuan, down 27.8%. Including the 79.016 billion yuan in revenue carried forward from last year, available revenue from government-managed funds will total 2.66119 trillion yuan. Expenditures from these funds will total 2.66119 trillion yuan, down 18.3%.
