My impression of China
Updated: 2012-10-14 13:51

6 years ago, when I visited China first time - I was shocked, that roads are better than in Poland.
(mainly comparing streets in the city, and inter-city roads)
OK, now my own story.
First three impressions, I think - most important for me.
First impression on China: one big building place. And it is also for today.
Second impression: safe place. I can go in the middle of the night by some back-street, and nothing wrong happens. Yes, it is also by the kind, and amount of penalties for crimes against life and health. But it is OK for me as long as I'm not criminal.
Third impression: dirty streets, people throwing garbage everywhere, even under own feet. This has not been changed. But should - as soon as possible, for both social and health-related reasons. City is not a village, and plastic bottle is not piece of paper that can be dissolved by first rain.
Polish Internet user Whitebear
As for my observations of the last 9 years.
When I first came to China, I was really surprised at the sheer amount of workers on building sites and road construction projects. Now automation and machinery has taken the place of many of those people although there are still a lot of folks on those kinds of projects.
Inflation! The price of things has gone through the roof and I wonder how low and single income families make ends meet!
There are others but these 2 are the most emphatic in my memory....until I think of something else.
From Australia Internet user exportedkiwi
I have been dealing in China for 12 years.
However, I can only say that I have only frequented Guangdong, only going a couple of times each year for two or three weeks at a time.
On my first occasion I was shocked at the working conditions and amazed at how poor the roads were (I could only compare what I saw with conditions in Europe, mainly the UK).
As far as those two issues are concerned the working conditions have greatly improved as have the roads and travel.
The thing I am most grateful these days is for the introduction of Western Toilets.
British Internet user 1584austin

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