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  China Face
Guardian of time's past Words for the world Threads of change Writing on the Wall Journey of discovery
About China Face

Behind each face is a story, and behind each story are hopes and dreams through which you can find a different facet of the society and country they live in - China.

Launched in March 2010, China Face has been a daily news feature focusing on a Chinese individual, whose life and experience resonates with society's pulse.

Contact: chinaface@chinadaily.com.cn

Good business
A Beijing store that has become a hub for social enterprises operates according to the motto: 'Empowering women through ethical trade'.
New life for ancient scripts
In the country that invented paper, there are about 50 million old books waiting to be restored. China Daily finds out more about how some dedicated craftsmen are working at the task.
Lensman's badges of honor
For the images that he has grown famous for, explorer-photographer Li Guoping has paid a very visible price.
Mommy and daddy dearest
A revised 24 Filial Exemplars stipulates how to love and care for parents and is aimed at a new generation.
On the trail of a mythical beast
One man has made it his life mission to track down the mysterious 'Wildman' that is said to be roaming the mountains of Shennongjia.
Guardian of the forest
It's been a decades-long habit of 85-year-old Bao Shouguo to grab a stick and a knife and head for the hills every morning.
One of life's survivors
Cheng Yinbao, a former soldier during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, refuses her township government's subsidy and a proffered move to a nursing home.
We shall overcome
A total of 282 Chinese sportsmen and women will compete in the London 2012 Paralympic Games from Aug 29 to Sept 9, together with 4,200 other athletes from all over the world.
Men dedicated to time machine
The nation's master watch and clock makers have emerged from a difficult decade to make the most of the luxury market. Wang Kaihao reports in Tianjin.
Nanny goat's milk best?
A businessman in Changsha has been feeding his baby girl milk from the goats he has been raising on the roof of his four-story house.
A woman of substance shares the recipe of her success
A leap of faith some 30 years ago, changed her life. With only 1.70 yuan (27 cents), she started a small stall selling porridge to tourists who started pouring into Shaoshan village, in Hunan province, to visit former chairman Mao Zedong's home.
Back to business after studying abroad
Chinese students who study overseas and return are increasingly turning to entrepreneurship to make their dreams come true. Zhang Yue reports in Dalian, Liaoning province.
Capture culture
Understanding Beijing culture from Westerners' perspectives - that's the aim of 10 short films, shot by a group of undergraduates and graduates from the United States.
Jewels of the sea
A former finance officer has made it his responsibility to conserve the environment of Xisha Islands. Liu Zhihua reports in Beijing.
Shooting from a new perspective
War movies are no longer a popular category for jaded audiences, but August First Film Studio, a unit of the Chinese military, has been enhancing the charisma of the genre.
Fired up for success
A soldier overcomes his limited early education to come to terms with a new generation of tanks.
Chasing his dream, step by step
A former coal miner who has been hiking across China since he retired in 2005 has further travel plans. Xu Wei learns more in Chongqing.
Cao Kites flying high
A chance encounter with an unpublished book has turned out to be a life-changing experience for one family.
Amateur's bomb-defusing device a success
After working for eight years, Ji Xingang's bomb-defusing device is now used by many public security bureaus, fire stations, as well as oil and gas companies throughout China.
Picture perfect
Fu Jun focuses so intensely into his camera that he accidentally enters into the frame of the cinematographer.
