The Chinese marine surveillance fleet — Haijian 51, 23, 49 and 5001 — is patrolling waters near the Diaoyu Islands on Monday, according to a statement released by the State Oceanic Administration.
Chinese marine surveillance ships continued their regular patrols in waters surrounding the territorial Diaoyu Islands on Monday, the State Oceanic Administration said.
Since taking office as Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe has been launching frequent diplomatic blitzes targeting China.
A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry Tuesday expressed China's demand that Japan return to the track of managing and resolving disputes over the Diaoyu Islands.
The National Library of China plans to compile a collection of historical documents and atlases to prove that Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets in the East China Sea are China's inherent territory.
The 1945 Potsdam Proclamation, a statement of terms for the unconditional surrender of Japan issued in the names of the United States, China and the United Kingdom, determined that the terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out, including that China’s northeast regions, Taiwan Island, Penghu Islands and its surrounding islands, should return to China.
Chinese marine surveillance ships continued to conduct regular patrols of the territorial waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands on Thursday, the State Oceanic Administration said.
Responding to US remarks about the Diaoyu Islands, China's ambassador to the US warned not to "lift the rock off Japan only to let it drop on its own feet".
Japan taking 'coercive actions' on Diaoyu
Japan's future depends on its views of its past
Editorial: US abets Japan's rightists
Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai said Tuesday that it is Japan, not China, that is taking "unilateral or coercive actions" on their islands dispute.
There will be no future for Japan's relations with its Asian neighbors if Japanese leaders regard aggression, expansion and colonial rule by the country's former militarists as "proud history and tradition," said a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman.
Tensions escalated once again between Japan and its neighbors as China strongly protested against "provocation" by Japanese ships in the waters off the Diaoyu Islands.
Japanese ships driven out of Diaoyu Islands
Special: Diaoyu Islands dispute
A Chinese surveillance fleet patrolling waters near the Diaoyu Islands successfully expelled several Japanese ships illegally entering the waters on Tuesday morning.