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China Daily Website

Classes resume at knife attack China school

Updated: 2012-12-21 14:59
( Xinhua)

ZHENGZHOU - Students returned to study at a central China elementary school on Friday, a week after a knifeman wounded 23 of their classmates on the campus.

Classes have resumed in Chenpeng Village Elementary School, the county government of Guangshan, in Henan province, announced on Friday. Though some students are still in a state of fear after the attack, most managed to show up, it said.

Four psychological consultants were dispatched to provide face-to-face assistance to traumatized teachers and students, it added.

The government, citing hospital sources, said some of the injured students are ready to be discharged from hospital.

Insurance will also provide compensation of up to 300,000 yuan ($48,000 dollars) for each person.

On Dec 14, Min Yongjun stabbed an elderly woman in Chenpeng, then broke into the local elementary school, where he wounded 23 students. None of the injured are in critical conditions. Initial police investigation indicates that "doomsday" rumors had driven Min, 36, to carry out the attack.

Police quoted Min's testimony which said that he was inspired by reports he saw on television two years ago of a kindergarten killing.

"He thought he was doomed and hoped to do something to impress his existence upon the world before he died," they previously said.

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