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China Daily Website

Fighter jet plagiarism allegations 'offensive'

Updated: 2012-11-30 02:25
By Zhao Shengnan and Li Xiaokun ( China Daily)

US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said earlier that the United States was continuing to carefully monitor Chinese military developments. She urged Beijing to be as transparent as possible about its military capabilities and intentions and to use military power, including the aircraft carrier, in a way that is conducive for regional peace and stability.

Fighter jet plagiarism allegations 'offensive'

A carrier-borne J-15 fighter jet prepares to take off from China's first aircraft carrier, theLiaoning. After its delivery to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy on September 25, the aircraft carrier has undergone a series of sailing and technological tests, including the flight of the carrier-borne J-15, naval sources said. Designed by and made in China, the J-15 is able to carry multi-type anti-ship, air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, as well as precision-guided bombs. [Undated photo/Xinhua]

"China is always open to military transparency and frankly speaking, the J-15 experiment is quite transparent," said Geng, adding that the Chinese media has had abundant and timely coverage and commentary about the plane since Sunday.

Wu Shengli, China's navy chief on Tuesday also briefed the US secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus on the J-15 and test trials of the Liaoning.

Pan Zheng, a scholar on US military studies with the People's Liberation Army National Defense University, said the US should also ask itself how transparent it has been to China.

Washington on Monday released two pictures of a US-Japan joint drill that concluded on Nov 16. The closed-door exercise is one of many that have taken place between the two countries this year. Geng said China opposes parties that intentionally highlight military agendas and frequently flare up regional tensions.

China's development of the aircraft carrier is not targeted at any third party or part of an arms race, Geng said.

Its development is based on national security and military construction needs and China's ability to invest in such a project, Geng said.

"We hope related parties view China's aircraft carrier construction in an objective and rational way," he added.

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