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China Daily Website

Misbehaved candidates not accepted into Party

Updated: 2012-08-08 21:47

Candidates with negative ethics records will not be accepted as Party members, according to a regulation issued by Communist Party of China authorities in a county in Central China's Hunan province.

The organization department of the CPC Xupu county committee stipulated that candidates with one of the nine misbehaviors would not be accepted as Party members, the Hunan Daily reported on Wednesday.

The misbehaviors include idleness, bullying, gambling, being irresponsible for parents and children, dishonesty and having a bad relationship with neighbors.

Since last year, 125 candidates have been rejected as Party members for having various ethics misbehaviors, the report said.

The practice was aimed at keeping the morality of Party members pure and maintaining the Party's credibility, according to the organization department of CPC Xupu county committee.

Two candidates were recently refused membership for physical abuse and gambling, the report said.
