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Policy clarification required

Updated: 2012-07-24 08:14
By Zheng Yangpeng ( China Daily)

The growth rate - significantly lower than the year-on-year growth of 20.4 percent in fixed-asset investment - dragged down overall economic growth to 7.6 percent in the second quarter, the slowest growth pace in three years

Local governments, fearful of the dwindling revenue from land transfers, have accelerated their move to loosen curbs.

Policy clarification required

Since the beginning of this year, nearly 50 cities have "fine-tuned" price curb policies, while some have been canceled altogether by Beijing.

The interest rate cuts, local fine-tuning, as well as a warm up in sales in May, have led to a quick switch in public expectations, resulting in some rushed buying, which have pushed up sales and prices.

In June, of the 70 large and medium-sized cities across China, sale prices rose in 25 cities over the last month. In May, only six saw an increase, according to the NBS report last week.

And in June, the national average prices of newly built residential houses rose 0.02 percent over May - the first time in the past eight months that the price has seen growth, NBS said.

In the face of these changes in direction, the CASS insists that more policies should be rolled out "as soon as possible", and government policies and expectations clarified.

"The central bank, while cutting interest rates, has maintained its previous policy that mortgage rates for homebuyers could be lowered to as much as 70 percent of the benchmark interest rate.

"This signaled a reduction in mortgage rates, and was the major reason for the change in market expectations," Ni said.

The CASS suggests that mortgage rates should not be lower than the benchmark interest rate.

It said that the mortgage rate for second-house purchasing should be raised to 1.2 times the benchmark interest rate, and loans should not be provided to third house buying.

Responding to market concerns that a tougher policy would dampen already flagging real estate investment, and jeopardize macroeconomic growth overall, Ni added that the growth in the third quarter should rebound, as there is still room for growth in consumption and infrastructure.

The CASS' suggestion of tougher property measures correspond to central government plans to "resolutely" keep the curbs in place.

Since early June, nine central ministries have voiced their resolution to keep a tight grip on the property market.

But some experts have also expressed doubt on too much reliance on administrative intervention to adjust the market.

Yang Hongxu, deputy director of the Shanghai-based E-house China Research and Development Institute warned that the curbs may backfire, as developers reduce supply of houses thus pushing prices up again.

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