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China Daily Website

Balcony hero catches a reward and job offer

Updated: 2012-06-11 15:07

A mystery man who risked his own life to save a three-year-old girl falling from a balcony has been tracked down, given a 50,000 yuan reward ($7,434) and a job offer from Guangzhou municipality, reported Monday.

Zhou Chong, 23, rescued the little girl falling from the balcony on June 3, but left after she was safe. The local government ordered an all out effort to find him to promote his heroic deed.

Shi Qizhu, head of Tianhe district in Guangzhou, visited Zhou on Sunday, saying "Zhou saved a girl's life and the family's happiness regardless of his own safety. As a local government, we must never forget this."

Shi promised Zhou a job opportunity as soon as possible after he learned he had just moved to Guangzhou and had no job.

Zhou said he never thought his heroic act would earn his a reward and job offer. He added that he just did what was right and he was not scared of heights due to his working experience as a welder.

Balcony hero catches a reward and job offer

Zhou supports a girl falling from an apartment balcony in Guangzhou on June 3.
