In the village of Huashan in Central China's Hubei province, renowned as the "Land of a Thousand Lakes", the residents have been accustomed to lining up with plastic buckets to carry home water delivered by fire trucks.
China initiated a fourth-level emergency response plan Sunday afternoon to cope with the drought in East China's Jiangxi province.
China's National Meteorological Center on Sunday kept its "yellow alert" for the persistent drought that is plaguing many southern China regions.
Lack of rain will continue to bite the drought-plagued regions along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River till the end of May, the China Meteorological Administration said Saturday
Severe drought ravages Central and East China
Water authorities in Xuyi county, Jiangsu province, have denied there is a drinking water shortage, although the lingering drought has greatly affected life of the locals.
Fishing boats and farmland have been left desolate in the drought-hit areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, inflicting huge losses on farmers.
China has begun the second phase of a research project to explore the use of fish to clean up water pollution in the Three Gorges Reservoir on the Yangtze River, the country's largest river.
Workers clean the body of the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, Central China's Hubei province, April 14, 2011.