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  • RMB reform to benefit all sides: Experts

    2010-06-25 06:42

    China's foreign exchange regime reform is not only in the interest of its own economy but also can alleviate global trade and economic imbalances, foreign economists and think tank researchers have said.

  • Local govt debt could trigger financial crisis

    2010-06-24 07:05

    The nation's chief auditor warned on Wednesday that local government debt will pose risks to the Chinese economy amid concerns that the debt could trigger a European-style financial crisis.

  • Taiwan firms face rising labor costs

    2010-06-22 22:53

    Taiwan-funded firms on the Chinese mainland are likely to relocate from the mainland's coastal regions to its interior, or even to other Asian countries, in the wake of rising labor costs on the mainland, experts said here Tuesday.

  • China's yuan policy to benifit Philippine exports

    2010-06-22 19:43

    China's decision to ease its currency peg will help boost Philippine exports, Philippine Acting Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Augusto Santos said Tuesday.

  • World markets rally on yuan policy

    2010-06-22 06:23

    Stocks worldwide and oil prices rose on Monday after China pledged to make the yuan more flexible, but analysts said the policy's effect on the Chinese and global economy was still uncertain.Currency move to boost stocksMainland, HK equities rally

  • 'Hot Money' controllable as yuan reform proceeds

    2010-06-21 07:00

    China will be able to keep inflows of speculative capital under control even if the latest clarifications on its yuan policy trigger any influx of "hot money."No 'one-off move' in yuan reform

  • China's economic growth to slow in 2H: economist

    2010-06-19 11:43

    China's economic growth would slow down in the second half of this year, ending the double-digit increase in the first quarter, according to Xia Bin, a renowned Chinese economist, reported Saturday's China Securities Journal.

  • Best place to live in China? Polls contradict

    2010-06-19 10:05

    Metropolises like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou figure on top of the list of people's choice of ideal places to live in China, even though more than half of white-collar workers in those big cities can't wait to get away, recent surveys have found.

  • Poll: Most countries view China positively

    2010-06-19 09:07

    Overall views of China held by people from all over the world remained largely steady in the past year, with the general public in most nations viewing the country as a partner, says a major survey released on Thursday.

  • China's inflationary pressures may increase

    2010-06-19 03:45

    China's central bank said Friday more flexibility would be allowed to guide money policies based upon changing circumstances if inflationary pressures increase during the economic recovery along with rising market confidence.

  • China becomes world's third largest stock market

    2010-06-19 03:41

    China has become the world's third largest stock market as total market value of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets hit 20.96 trillion yuan (3.07 trillion U.S. dollars) as of the end of May, the country's securities regulator said Friday.

  • WB predicts 9.5% growth for Chinese economy

    2010-06-18 14:55

    Bank (WB) said Friday it continues to forecast Chinese economic growth of 9.5 percent in 2010 but warned growth is likely to ease because of the partial normalization of macro policy and measures to cool the property market.

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.