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  • Wen inspects landslide-hit county in NW China

    2010-08-09 06:26

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao inspects the landslide-hit region in Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China's Gansu Province, Aug. 8, 2010.

  • 'Departments should fight disasters together'

    2010-08-05 07:54

    A leading expert has urged government departments at all levels to share information in a timely manner to take better precautions against natural disasters.

  • Over 7,000 barrels intercepted on NE China river

    2010-08-01 20:21

    Workers have recovered 6,387 chemical barrels and located 684 others stuck on flood-ravaged land along a major river in Northeast China by Sunday night, four days after floods swept them into the waterway, local officials said.

  • Soldier drowns while retrieving chemical barrels

    2010-08-01 14:28

    A Chinese soldier drowned Friday in a river in Northeast China's Jilin province as he worked to retrieve chemical barrels that had been swept into the waterway, military authorities said Sunday.

  • Severe weather delays copter rescue in Xinjiang

    2010-07-31 18:05

    Severe weather conditions had delayed the helicopter evacuation of more than 700 people trapped by floods in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, local authorities said Saturday.

  • Chinese vice premier urges efforts to prevent floods

    2010-07-26 21:00

    Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu on Monday called for increased efforts in combating ongoing floods.

  • Premier orders preparations for more serious floods

    2010-07-24 19:05

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has ordered local governments to adopt scientific measures to prepare well for "more serious floods and disasters" as some of the country's major rivers saw water levels surpass their warning levels.

  • China's Cabinet orders more efforts in flood control

    2010-07-21 17:04

    The State Council, China's Cabinet, Wednesday urged local governments to step up their efforts to combat floods as the country faces a critical time for flood control.

  • Disaster relief under way in Sichuan

    2010-07-22 07:03

    Disaster relief is under way to Guang'an, a city badly hit by floods in Southwest China's Sichuan province.

  • Gorges dam holding up against torrents

    2010-07-21 07:03

    The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is holding up against its stiffest test yet from floodwaters.

  • Disaster relief to be regulated

    2010-07-20 07:05

    The civil affairs and financial departments of local governments must publicize the sources of relief aid and other donations they receive for natural disasters, as well as how the contributions will be used, according to a regulation that takes effect on Sept 1.

  • Weather insurance planned

    2010-07-20 06:46

    The country may roll out its first weather insurance coverage before the end of the year to help farmers cope with economic losses from natural disasters.

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.