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China Daily Website

  • Beijing census to begin in late 2010

    2010-06-10 09:28

    BEIJING - People whose households are registered in Beijing who have violated family planning policies and had more babies than allowed can have a child's household registered in the capital without penalty when Beijing conducts its sixth census starting this November.

  • Authorities to give migrant workers skills boost

    2010-05-11 11:35

    Chen Quanning, a 36-year-old migrant worker from Henan province, was wandering in a crowded employment market in Beijing, disappointed not to find a job paying more than 2,000 yuan ($293) per month.

  • China's rich flout family planning

    2009-06-15 07:21

    The family planning policy is facing a formidable obstacle spawned by progress - the rising affluence of an urban class.

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