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  • UN climate chief pushes for success in Cancun

    2010-12-10 08:50

    Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, called on all participating countries in the Cancun climate talks to “redouble their efforts and use creative ways” to turn out a “successful outcome” for the conference, in a press conference Thursday afternoon.

  • Int'l NGO advises China on emissions

    2010-12-10 07:12

    Wu Changhua, director of an international NGO, made a stir at the Copenhagen climate summit last year when she told a full-house audience of China's mitigation actions at a BBC television live debate with guest speakers.

  • Activists step up the pressure in Cancun

    2010-12-10 07:12

    In the waters off Coco Bongo, a beach in this resort city, models of the Statue of Liberty, the Sydney Opera House and the Eiffel Tower were bobbing up and down.

  • UN secretary-general urges strong progress

    2010-12-10 07:12

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday urged a positive outcome as the two-week Cancun summit nears its end.

  • Top UN officials upbeat as end of Cancun draws near

    2010-12-09 06:53

    Top UN officials have set positive tones for the climate change conference as it reaches the last three days.

  • Experts: Glaciers melting very fast

    2010-12-09 06:53

    Patagonia, the southernmost part of South America, and the coastal mountain ranges of Alaska are losing their huge glaciers faster and for longer periods of time than those in other parts of the world, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said on Tuesday.

  • China refutes proposal on carbon credits

    2010-12-09 06:53

    The European Union's proposal to ban industrial carbon credits from 2013 will hurt the interests of developing and developed countries if it comes into effect, said a Chinese official.

  • No changes for Beijing's position on emissions

    2010-12-09 06:53

    China has made it clear that the nature of national mitigation actions of developing countries - including China - will not be changed.

  • China vows voluntary, non-binding carbon cuts

    2010-12-08 11:02

    China makes clear that the autonomous nature of the national mitigation actions of developing countries, including China, will not be changed.

  • UN chiefs upbeat about Cancun progress

    2010-12-08 10:55

    Top UN officials have set positive tones for the climate change conference as it reaches the last three days.

  • In one poor county, working against climate change is costly

    2010-12-08 07:28

    The Songxian county in Central China's Henan province, home to more than half a million people, is on the government's list of impoverished counties. Its annual revenue is not much more than 300 million yuan ($45 million).

  • A coal-reliant nation faces tough times

    2010-12-08 07:28

    China, the most coal-reliant country in the world, will face a few hard decades to raise its clean energy to 50 percent by 2050 but the prospects are good, a senior climate change expert said on Monday.

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