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  • Climate show forecasts frozen, ramshackle London

    2010-10-28 10:05

    London's River Thames has frozen over, Buckingham Palace is surrounded by a shanty town and a flooded British capital is depicted as Venice with parliament rising from the waters in a new climate change show.

  • US move on clean energy ironic

    2010-10-22 07:52

    China has the right to promote its renewable energy industries. Hence, the United States has no business launching an investigation into the subsidy given by the Chinese government to its renewable energy sector

  • Australia 'lags behind' China on climate policies

    2010-10-19 09:24

    Australia lags far behind China and Europe in forcing industry to pay for its greenhouse gas emissions, an independent report showed on Tuesday.

  • US clean energy probe rejected

    2010-10-18 09:17

    China hit back on Sunday at US plans to investigate its clean energy policies, calling the move "groundless and irresponsible".

  • US solar show reflects continued growth of solar energy

    2010-10-13 11:04

    Solar Power International 2010, the largest business-to-business solar conference and expo in North America, opened in Los Angeles Tuesday with over 1,100 exhibitors coming from many countries of the world, including China.

  • US inaction on climate troubles global talks

    2010-08-01 19:35

    The failure of a climate bill in the US Senate is likely to weigh heavily on international negotiations in Europe this week on a new agreement to control global warming.

  • Dutch agency admits mistake in UN climate report

    2010-07-06 06:20

    A leading Dutch environmental agency, taking the blame for one of the glaring errors that undermined the credibility of a seminal UN report on climate change, said Monday it has discovered more small mistakes and urged the panel to be more careful.

  • UN starts 2010 climate talks amid uncertainties

    2010-04-09 22:21

    The United Nations opened a new session of formal climate change negotiations here Friday.

  • EU satellite eyes impact of climate change on ice

    2010-04-09 07:54

    BERLIN - The European Space Agency has launched a sophisticated satellite that scientists hope will help them pin down the effects of global warming on the Earth's ice packs more precisely by accurately measuring the thickness of ice.

  • London Science Museum goes climate science neutral

    2010-03-25 09:09

    A new climate gallery at London's Science Museum, sponsored by Royal Dutch Shell, will step back from pushing evidence of man-made climate change to adopt a more neutral position.

  • Japan weakens climate bill, pressured by industry

    2010-03-12 07:37

    Japan watered down legislation to fight climate change on Thursday after weeks of wrangling within the government over plans for an emissions trading system that has met stiff resistance from industry.

  • US urged to step up climate bid

    2010-03-11 07:25

    China wants the United States to take more radical steps in tackling global warming, though the Obama administration has done a better job than previous governments, the nation's top climate negotiator said on Wednesday.

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