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China Daily Website

  • China State firms hand in plans to exit property sector

    2010-04-09 14:49

    China's agency overseeing big state-owned businesses has received plans from 78 state companies spelling out how they intend to sell out of the nation's heady property market, a Chinese newspaper said on Friday.

  • CNPC says to pull out of profitable real estate business

    2010-04-07 13:06

    China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) has announced it would withdraw from the profitable commercial real estate business, China Business News reported on Wednesday.

  • Property market crash schedule unreliable

    2010-04-02 14:33

    Pan Shiyi, president of SOHO China, said in a net chat on April 1 that the widespread Chinese property market crash schedule is unreliable, adding that a market crash is as unpredictable as an earthquake, Beijing News reported Friday.

  • 78 SOEs to withdraw from real estate industry

    2010-03-18 18:01

    Seventy-eight State-owned enterprises (SOEs) will withdraw from the real estate industry, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) said in a press release on March 18, reported Thursday.

  • Zhong Jiang Real Estate '09 profit dives over 90%

    2010-03-17 09:52

    Jiangxi Zhong Jiang Real Estate Co, Ltd said its net profit of 2009 slumps more than 90 percent.

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