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  • Sinopec harnesses Shengli to growth plan

    2011-03-15 10:41

    China Petroleum and Chemical Corp's Shengli Oilfield plans to realize up to 7 billion yuan ($1.07 billion) in annual revenue in its overseas petroleum-engineering sector during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), making it one of Shengli's major growth engines, a top official from the oil field said on Thursday.

  • Energy development plan to be fixed by March

    2011-03-14 15:16

    China's energy development strategy for the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) will focus on a structural adjustment of its energy resources, China Securities News reported Monday, citing a top official at the National Energy Administration (NEA).

  • Sinopec to shut Luoyang plant in Sept for maintenance

    2011-03-12 17:30

    China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec), the nation's biggest fuel supplier, plans to shut its 160,000- barrel-a-day refinery in Luoyang city in Central China in September for maintenance, said the head of the plant, Bloomberg reported Saturday.

  • China not to change plan for nuclear power projects

    2011-03-12 14:14

    China will not change its plan for developing nuclear power projects but will learn a lesson after a massive earthquake in Japan resulted in a radioactive leakage, vice-minister of Environmental Protection Zhang Lijun said Saturday.

  • Government eyes nuclear energy as oil price rises

    2011-03-11 15:04

    A senior energy official has warned the government to be "fully aware" of the risk of imported inflation as spreading uncertainty in the oil-rich Middle East and North Africa keeps driving up the global oil price. 

  • Guangdong Nuclear may have to bid for Extract

    2011-03-10 14:17

    A Chinese State-owned nuclear power producer could be forced to make a bid for Australia's Extract Resources worth $2.7 billion as part of a bid for Kalahari Minerals, as China looks to secure uranium from Africa.

  • Oil reserves equal 30 days consumption

    2011-03-09 17:23

    China's strategic oil reserve capacity is enough for one month's use, and the storage proportion of crude oil to product oil is 3:1, according to Wang Qingyun, director of the State Bureau of Material Reserve, the National Business Daily (NBD) reported Wednesday.

  • China 'cautious' about hydropower projects on Nu River

    2011-03-09 16:47

    China has been extremely cautious about building hydropower projects on the Nu River, or the Salween, in the southwestern Yunnan province, Yunnan's Party chief Bai Enpei said Wednesday.

  • CNPC wants increase for tax threshold

    2011-03-08 14:39

    China should raise the threshold for the government's windfall tax on sales of crude oil to at least $60 a barrel from the current $40, said an executive with the nation's largest oil company. 

  • Demand for uranium set to outstrip US in 2020s

    2011-03-08 10:41

    China will surpass the United States as the world's largest consumer of uranium during the 2020s as the nation's imports rise sharply to feed a growing nuclear industry, a high-level energy official told China Daily.

  • PetroChina Jilin Oilfield eyes higher oil output

    2011-03-08 09:59

    PetroChina Jilin Oilfield aims to produce about 10 million tons of oil and gas in 2015, Hou Qijun, general manager of the oilfield, said Monday.

  • Tianjin oil storage facility in train

    2011-03-05 11:20

    Construction of China's national strategic oil reserve site in Tianjin city, which will have a storage capacity of 3 million cubic meters, will begin as early as May, a city official said on Friday.
