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  • Avoid a tragedy for all

    2012-05-16 08:10

    If policymakers in debt-laden countries cling to super-loose monetary policy as a way out, instead of fixing their structural problems, the shockwaves will come sooner and scarier than expected.

  • Eurozone bailout will not end Greece's pain

    2012-02-21 10:19

    More than 90 percent of Greeks expressed deep opposition to the interim government, criticizing the two-year austerity and reform drive underway as the wrong way to tackle the debt crisis.

  • Banker calls for clarity in eurozone

    2011-11-11 06:53

    The eurozone rescue fund needs more clarity before China can take any investment decision, said a central bank official.

  • Experts urge caution in Eurozone aid bids

    2011-09-24 09:21

    China can only provide limited help to Europe in coping with its debt crisis, by continuing to invest in the region, Yi Gang, China's foreign exchange chief, said amid economists' warning that China needs to be cautious in offering a helping hand.

  • Debt crisis may cause more friction

    2011-09-21 07:15

    The European debt crisis may lead to increased trade friction and hurt China's exports, Shen Danyang, Ministry of Commerce spokesman. China, EU may launch investment pact talks in Oct

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