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New round of speculative fund inflows

Updated: 2013-10-10 08:55
By He Wei in Shanghai and Chen Jia in Bejing ( China Daily)

The survey results lend credence to the findings of the official Purchasing Managers' Index for September, which rose to 51.1 but was below market expectations. The PMI indicated that China's manufacturing sector, especially State-owned enterprises, had started to expand at a slower pace.

Even though advanced economies are recovering from the worst recession in generations, the pace has been slow and political turmoil in Washington has muddied the outlook.

As a result, the World Bank cut its 2013 China GDP growth forecast on Monday to 7.5 percent, down from 8.3 percent in April.

The International Monetary Fund followed suit, cutting the GDP forecast to 7.6 percent, 0.2 of a percentage point lower than the July reading. Growth is seen at 7.3 percent in 2014, down from 7.7 percent three months ago.

The IMF warned that Chinese economic growth could "slow considerably" if the government fails to step up efforts to "rebalance the economy toward consumption" and reduce the country's excessive reliance on exports and State-backed investment.

But domestic economists displayed more optimism, with the State Information Center forecasting on Tuesday that China can achieve its growth target amid moderate inflation and stable employment.

Economic development will be modest and stable in the fourth quarter with a GDP increase of 7.6 percent, the government think tank said.


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