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Quality watchdog destroys substandard imports

Updated: 2012-03-15 08:59


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BEIJING -- China's quality watchdog said Wednesday that 277 batches of imported food products and cosmetics were returned or destroyed for their poor quality.

The substandard products, manufactured by big-name companies including Yoshinoya and Uniliver, were seized at ports of entry and were not sold in the domestic market, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said in a statement on its website.

Two batches of mango sauce imported from the Philippines were found to contain excessive levels of sulfur dioxide, according to the statement.

Some bath foams produced by Uniliver were destroyed as the exporter failed to provide required certificates.

In a separate statement, the quality watchdog said more than 3,000 tons of shoddy fertilizers and 70,000 fake fertilizer packages have been sealed during a recent crackdown.

Quality authorities in nine provinces, including Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, launched a joint campaign against substandard fertilizers to ensure market order and protect farmers' interests.