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  • Private homes devt hits 7-yr high

    2012-10-29 14:03

    Hong Kong home builders are accelerating the pace of their project development, with new housing starts in the first nine months hitting 16,100 units, the most in seven years.

  • HK wins Asia Pacific's top shopping spot

    2012-10-29 13:58

    Hong Kong is the top shopping destinations in the Asia Pacific region in an overall sense, but the sky-high hotel prices and transportation cost have also made it one of the most unaffordable places to tour around.

  • Moderate pay rises predicted for HK workers

    2012-10-26 10:11

    HK workers are expected to receive pay increases of between 4.1 and 4.5 percent in 2013, virtually mirroring actual average pay increases of between 4.1 and 4.2 percent that workers received in 2012.

  • Shoppers head for Hong Kong in search of bargains

    2012-10-26 08:05

    Wang Cuilan was soaked with sweat as she made her way out of the crowded Guangzhou East Railway Station on Sunday evening.

  • Treasury secretary urges MPF trustees to reduce fees

    2012-10-25 10:29

    A study currently being carried out by the MPFA will determine whether there is room for MPF trustees to reduce existing fees.

  • HK asset market poised to soar amid fund inflows

    2012-10-23 10:53

    The Hong Kong asset market is poised to rise as a new wave of "hot money" is pouring into the local financial system.

  • Home confidence at 4-year low

    2012-10-23 10:53

    Hong Kong residents' confidence in their ability to purchase a flat falling to its lowest level in at least over four years.

  • Mainland credit rating to lift HK's dim sum bond market

    2012-10-22 10:11

    HK's dim sum bond market infrastructure building is making more progress as mainland credit rating agencies may soon start yuan bond ratings in the city.

  • Capital inflows lift HK dollar vs US dollar

    2012-10-22 10:07

    The Hong Kong dollar touched the HK$7.75 versus the US dollar level for the first time since December 2009, a sign that international capital may be kicking off their new inroads into the region.

  • New home measures on standby in HK

    2012-10-19 10:33

    The Hong Kong government has readied a new batch of housing measures to help tackle the city's housing problems, which can be implemented any time when necessary.

  • HKEx announces plans for more Asia-friendly LME

    2012-10-17 13:19

    Officials from Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, or HKEx, say they are working on new commodity offerings from the London Metal Exchange, and ways of reducing or eliminating barriers for Asian investors to trade on the world's largest metal exchange.

  • Offshore, onshore yuan likely to appreciate against USD in 2013

    2012-10-17 13:17

    Hong Kong banks are increasingly offering attractive renminbi (or yuan) deposit rates, which is expected to remain stable in the near term.

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