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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Law student pursues her dream online

    2010-07-23 11:02

    In real life she is a law-major doctoral student, doing research and writing theses. But on Internet, she is the creator of more than 20 stories about netherworlds or ancient dynasties.

  • Model moves up the career ladder in the fashion industry

    2010-07-23 10:54

    When Wang Xiaotu was a four-year-old girl, she was often late for kindergartens because she insisted on picking her daily outfit herself.

  • Student scores with her robot footballer

    2010-07-22 07:55

    After several sleepless nights and numerous intense discussions with team members, Wu Shuhan, 11, designed a robot that beat all the other contestants in the final of the 10th China Adolescent Robotics Competition, which kicked off on Wednesday at Beijing University of Technology (BUT).

  • Comedian celebrates novel way to get ahead

    2010-07-22 07:53

    With the World Cup in South Africa recently, it has been an extremely hot summer for soccer fans all over the world but for movie producers, the past month has been more like a cold winter because their potential audience has been glued to the television watching matches.

  • Star caught in sex photo scandal makes comeback with new movie

    2010-07-22 07:53

    Gillian Chung, former member of the pop band Twins has been in a slump since she was involved in the Edison Chen sex photo scandal two years ago.

  • TLC and TCM help 'hanging garden' grow

    2010-07-21 07:58

    In an area full of shabby bungalows north of the Temple of Heaven in southern Beijing, a garden is perched on the roof of a traditional courtyard home.

  • Air hostess flies high with book

    2010-07-21 07:58

    A beautiful woman who writes well is bound to draw public attention, especially if she is an air hostess.

  • Skin is in as Chinese women take the plunge

    2010-07-21 07:54

    For Lilia Li, a 24-year-old who has the perfect curves after hours of yoga, the best outfit is a T-shirt with a plunging V-neck, tight shorts and a pair of killer stilettos.

  • Campaign raises awareness about threat of fin soup

    2010-07-20 10:02

    The launch ceremony for National Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Awareness Month was held in Beijing, one of the major shark fin consumption centers in China, on Sunday.

  • Flood-damaged autos a vehicle for profit

    2010-07-20 07:52

    People in the hunt for a secondhand car are being warned to watch out for flood-damaged autos after it emerged that write-offs have been recycled in the pre-owned market.

  • Photographing China's true heroes

    2010-07-20 07:48

    Wearing loose pajamas and a shocked expression, Frank P. Palmer opens the door to his home and lets in the METRO reporters who arrived 20 minutes early for their interview.

  • Entrepreneurial American sees his future in China

    2010-07-20 07:48

    Nearly 100 Chinese people circled a spectacle of live music, break dancing and gymnastic talent. Anyone watching the event could easily have labeled it a traveling circus act, complete with its own actors and stage performances.
