The Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire put Bollywood's crazy, colorful and dreamy choreography in the mainstream spotlight with its finale dance scene. For a deeper insight into the history of the Bollywood film industry, check out the smash-hit stage musical, The Merchants of Bollywood. The two-hour extravaganza, written and directed by Toby Gough, is loosely based on two real figures - Hiralalji Merchant, a choreographer of classic Hindi movies, and his granddaughter Vaibhavi Merchant, a young Bollywood choreographer, who also created the dances for the show. This exciting, exotic peek inside the Mumbai-based showbiz industry features 1,200 costume changes and 2,500 pieces of Indian jewelry. Since its world debut in 2005, the show has toured around the world.
7:30 pm, Jan 22 to 27.
Poly Theater, Poly Plaza, Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng district, Beijing.
010-6504-6966, 010-6504-6962.